Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Avery the Gymnast

Here's a pic of our newest Gymnast. :) She got her very first gymnastics leotard. She was very proud...the pic is a little blury-- but it captures her excitement for her new shiny look. She's now a "blue wasp" in gymnastics after her first evaluation. Go Avery!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

More 4th of July pics...

Our attempt at a family picture on 4th of July. :) Haha...

July Picture

Here is a cute picture from our 4th of July! :) A little late...but its cute!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Our Adventures to Sea World...

I can't figure out how I only took about a dozen pictures in San Antonio. Too busy keeping track of my babies. Here is Bella Kate holding the map. She's our tour guide. We had fun- it was hot, but fun! We stayed at the Hyatt Regency Resort- it was so great!!
Here are the Lyday's in front of the Alamo-- clearly Cooper and Bella Kate are too distracted with each other to smile.. Here is what I get when I try to take a picture of Cooper. :)

Cooper enjoying the Shamu show.