Friday, September 12, 2008

Here's a PIC of our really PRETTY new house.

Here's a pic of our PRETTY NEW house that we were supposed to close on and move into this weekend! :(
This is an "inside" picture of our pretty wood floors --yes, I held my camera up to the door window and snapped a picture! :)
This is Avery "practicing" her posing skills. We've got to practice her "poses" before we take school pictures one day.
Here's Mr. Personality.... His teacher told me today that he's the class greeter...he stands at the door and greets all the parents as they pick up and drop off their children at school. Check out his really CUTE new hair cut...this was taken at the end of the day--but Mr. Cooper has "spikey" hair now.
Here's Jeremy & Bella Kate. Jeremy went Thursday for his "Pre-Hurricane" haircut...ask him for details of that. :) Bella Kate looks a little irritated. She's such a GREAT baby!!!

Here's the pic of the Port-a-Potty that we're thinking isn't going to stay on the ground during hurricane force winds. Yes, that's right next door to my mom's house (where we're living).

I keep thinking yet again...."Why Do I buy toys for Avery & Cooper?" Yes, that's Bella Kate's kick toy. This provided entertainment for quite a while. It all ended when Cooper kept trying to crawl through it and he kept falling over. Sweet little Cooper.

Here's Bella Kate really mesmerized by all the pre-Hurricane IKE coverage on TV.

Another "POSE" by Avery. We're working on it. She told me this was her "scary" smile. Ha. I told her that I would like to see her "pretty" smile. She insisted that her "scary" smile was much funnier.

She's cute isn't she?? Sweet Bella Kate.

With the upcoming arrivial of IKE....please stay safe, and take care. The Lyday's will be praying for everyone's safety.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Not moving in this weekend...Thanks IKE! :)

I would like to send a big thank you to Hurrican IKE! The Lyday's WERE supposed to close on our BRAND NEW pretty house tomorrow, but of course, we are not. AND we were supposed to move in this weekend! :) YUPIEE. Yes, I've already cried this morning. Maw Maw just thought she was getting rid of us this weekend....

Jeremy just added, let people know that we're "hunkering" down. :) hmmmm
Stay safe... We're gonna go move the port-a-potty that's next door now.... haha